Artists Instagram Profile Makeover

Turn Your Instagram Into a Virtual Art Gallery and Get More Followers
  • Showcase Your Art in the Best Light: Our service transforms your Instagram into a polished, professional-looking gallery, making your art stand out and attract more viewers and potential buyers
  • Virtual Gallery Experience: With custom story highlights featuring wall mockups of your art, your followers can enjoy a virtual tour of your work, enhancing their appreciation and engagement.
  • Personal Brand Building: An "About the Artist" story highlight adds a personal touch, allowing followers to connect with the person behind the art, building your brand and fan base.
  • Simple, Hassle-Free Transformation with Satisfaction Guaranteed: We handle all the details of the makeover, giving your Instagram profile a sophisticated and appealing look without any stress or tech-savviness required on your part. All with a 30 day money back guarantee!
Instagram Glow Up
4.8/5 (from 1900+ artists)

From starving artist to Instagram Icon: Create a lasting impression and broaden your reach with a stunning professional artist profile "glow up"

Experience the transformation from an average IG account to "must-follow" artist on Instagram with our expertly crafted profile makeover.
Professional Profile Overhaul: Transform your Instagram profile into a professional art showcase. Our team of experts will revitalize your profile's aesthetic, ensuring that every element, from your bio to your profile picture, resonates with your artistic brand. We focus on creating a visually appealing and cohesive look that instantly grabs attention. This overhaul isn't just about looks; it's about making a powerful first impression that turns visitors into followers and followers into fans.
Virtual Gallery Creation: Your art deserves the spotlight. We curate your Instagram stories into engaging highlights, featuring wall mockups of your artwork. This virtual gallery experience allows followers to visualize your art in their space, enhancing engagement and driving interest. It's like having a 24/7 online exhibition where your art takes center stage, accessible to anyone, anytime, directly through your Instagram profile.
Personal Brand Storytelling: Connect with your audience on a personal level with a dedicated "About the Artist" story highlight. This feature is your space to share your journey, inspirations, and the story behind your art. It's not just about showcasing your creations; it's about letting people in on your creative process and building a personal connection with your audience. This storytelling approach adds depth to your profile, turning it into a platform that narrates your artistic journey and ethos.
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4.8/5 (from 1900+ artists)

We've worked with over 10,000+ happy artists!

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Deepen Your Connection with Your Audience

In the world of art, the story behind the canvas can be as compelling as the artwork itself. Our "About the Artist" feature is designed to do more than just showcase your art; it’s about bringing your unique journey and creative vision to the forefront. This personal brand storytelling transforms your Instagram profile from a simple gallery into an intimate space where followers can connect with the artist behind the masterpieces.
Authentic Engagement: By sharing your inspirations, challenges, and triumphs, you invite your audience into your world. This authentic engagement fosters a stronger bond with your followers, turning casual viewers into loyal fans and potential customers.
Increased Trust and Loyalty: People buy from those they feel a connection with. Your personal story builds trust and adds credibility to your brand, encouraging followers to invest not just in your art, but in the artist behind it.
Showcasing Your Artistic Journey: Every artist has a unique path. Highlighting your journey provides context to your work, enriches the viewer's experience, and adds depth to each piece you create.
Building Your Brand: Your personal story is a powerful tool in differentiating yourself in a crowded market. It's not just about what you create, but who you are as an artist. This feature helps in crafting and strengthening your brand identity.

We'll Bring Your Art to Life in a Digital Space

Enhanced Visual Experience: The Virtual Art Gallery uses sophisticated wall mockups that place your art in a variety of settings, providing a realistic view of how it would look in a home, office, or gallery. This visually rich experience captivates your audience and makes your artwork more relatable and appealing.
Increased Sales Potential: By helping followers visualize your art in real-life scenarios, you're not just selling a piece of art; you're offering a vision of their improved space. This can significantly boost the likelihood of sales, as it helps potential buyers imagine the art in their own lives.
24/7 Online Exhibition: Unlike physical galleries with limited visiting hours, your Virtual Art Gallery is open around the clock, allowing people from all over the world to explore your art at their convenience. This accessibility broadens your audience reach and increases opportunities for engagement and sales.
Interactive Engagement: The Virtual Art Gallery invites followers to interact with your art in a novel way. They can envision different pieces in various settings, encouraging them to think more deeply about how each artwork would fit into their personal spaces
From overlooked to irresistible: Our before and after section reveals how our Instagram Glow Up service elevates an artist's profile, enhancing its professionalism and magnetism for followers.

     B E F O R E
A F T E R     

How the galleries and bio are placed on Instagram.

     B E F O R E
A F T E R     
4.8/5 (from 1900+ artists)

Our clients

Join over 10k happy artists working with us over the years.
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How will you know what design is good for my profile?
We will analyze your social media profile before we start, as well as your website, and then we will create the most adequate design that fits well with your art and style. You are more than welcome to send us any additional information that can help us create your vision and design for your art.
Can I do this service if my website is not live?
As our main source of information and images is your website, we cannot create your Glow Up if you do not have a website. However, it doesn’t need to be live yet, but it needs to have all your art and information on there so we can access it and use it in the process of creation.
Will I speak to an agent on a call?
To successfully complete this service all we need are your answers to the questions in the Intake form that we sent you and an up-to-date website. As this service is a one-time creation of the Glow Up images, a call is not necessary for successful completion, email communication has served our 500+ clients very well.
I don’t have a Facebook Page/Instagram profile. Will you create it for me?
Creating and setting up social media accounts is the responsibility of each client and a requirement for your website to get live, so this should be set up before we start with your service, for other marketing reasons as well as for the completion of this service.
What if I don’t like my Glow-Up?
Our agents are all highly qualified professionals and are able to communicate in even the most difficult of situations, so feel free to communicate and let them know what directions you’d like them to go in designing your Glow Up.
Why do you have to use emojis in my Bio text?
Emojis (little pictures) have been essential in communicating emotion, something that words cannot portray and in describing your profile and work, they give an additional mark, one which stays in the mind of the reader subconsciously and reminds them of your art, business, etc. They might look silly, but they have a powerful effect on the viewer.
What is the time commitment?
There is a small-time commitment at the beginning with the intake survey. From there, it would just be approving the created content or giving the design team guidelines on how to edit images.
How long will this take?
Depending on how many revisions you would like, we normally deliver an Insta Glow Up in 10 to 14 days.

Years of working with artists


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Thousands of artists trust and love our work... so will you.

4.8/5 (from 1900+ artists)